
Preparing a Session (2)

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They are everything that a DM puts in front of their players. It might or might not change what the characters were about to do, thus it could complicate the game. Players are often missing direction, or they are going straight into one direction but without eagerness. Sometimes the session... [Read More]

Session notes example

Preparing a Session (1)

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First, think about where the players currently are, what they could do there, and where you want them to go next. Let’s say they are currently in a city and have to find a dwarven hermit in the dreadful mountains, they might need a guide or maybe they want to... [Read More]

Preparing a Session

Sharing my insights

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I prepared for X but my players did Y, help?! Questions like that float around the internet. Being a DM can lead to a certain degree of insecurity, but you shouldn’t be insecure. You are a dungeon master, a master of dungeons, creator of worlds, and destroyer of the same!... [Read More]